Thursday, March 11, 2010

My what?

So, I'm reading through the Old Testament law, right now. I'm in Numbers. These books are more interesting than I remember. God didn't change from the Old to the New Testament, nor is He any different today.

I found this verse to be particularly interesting in my reading today:

Numbers 18:20 (New King James Version)

20 Then the LORD said to Aaron: “You shall have no inheritance in their land, nor shall you have any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel.

In this chapter God is addressing Aaron and the Levites, and He's telling them what being solely for God looks like, etc.
The them God is referring to are the other tribes of Israel. It struck me because here God is saying that He is the reward for the Levites. Not land and possessions the whole nation might get from battles. Not glory, nothing. Their inheritance, all that they will have forever is God, and what He gives to them.
THAT'S CRAZY! In a great way.
To be chosen by God to be His only, and to dwell with Him is pretty awesome.

The cool thing is, I am not a Levite. There isn't even a person with the name Levi in my family, on either side. I would probably have been classified as a Gentile. Yet, God has chosen me to be His only, and to be with Him. God wants to be my life and love, and compared to the world Dios es El mejor de mejor.
Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me that I could have God as my life and love.

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