Thursday, October 20, 2011

Consider your thoughts

What do you think about? How many thoughts wander away from you? 

Do you fantasize? What about?

Consider the idea that fantasies reveal what causes us dissatisfaction. We think things should be different, and in our minds conjure what would be ideal.

I dare to say that fantasies are not biblical. Follow what I'm saying. I'm talking about the self-satisfying, I would be so much better off if this were that, why can't this happen to me kind of fantasies. Why? Because we don't see, or refuse to see the beauty of God in every circumstance and instead pine after greener grass. Does not Romans 8:28 say that all things work together for  good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose? It does. And in Isaiah 55 God tells of His higher thoughts and ways. Just because we don't understand or even like the way things are going for us doesn't mean that it's bad, or not of God. 

Now, that is not to say that as a Christian we should just accept everything thrown at us, that's ridiculous. What I'm saying is that in less than 'ideal' circumstance instead of retreating into the fantasy world of our selfish minds we should be seeking God. Learning about Him, asking for guidance in the tough time, and diligently seeking to learn whatever He's teaching. Life to be lived well does not involve satisfying every desire of our heart. It's knowing God through His Son Jesus Christ and finding out that true satisfaction does not come from things that we can see that perish under the sun. True satisfaction comes from God.


Sharon said...

Um, I really want you to guest-post this on TTH. Just a thought... :D

tomisaurus said...

Its pretty right on this is with what im currently struggling through...♥ you sister