Wednesday, January 24, 2007

About this Valentine's Day thing...

So as most people know, especially those of you with significant others, Valentine's Day is approaching. *How can I put this* I don't know if I care that it is. In past years, when I was young it really wasn't significant at all. More recently i.e. High School I learned (from my peers) that it is the most depressing day of the year, and I must say that I experienced that revelation.
Now that I am in college, I'm not entirely sure what has changed about me. Maybe I'm apathetic because I am what is described as being alone, or whatever. I think that I don't care about the holiday because it is a commercialized version of how two people should interact with one another, when "In Love".
Don't get me wrong, I think it's an extremely cute holiday that's not just for Lovers but also friends and family too (though I might be prone to exclude some family ;-) ) and I do enjoy a good Valentine, and if I got one I would love it. I think the point I am making is that if I don't I'm not going to fall to pieces and think that no one in the world loves me, for I know that's not true. Truly, I think love should be shown everyday of the year in what we do for one another, and how we treat each other (though I suppose a sappier version of the displayed love can be enjoyed once in a while).
So to end my rant, I hope everyone has a Happy, love-filled Valentines Day. And for anyone without "That Special Someone" make sure not to scorn the love of a friend. It's worth just as much, if not more at times...

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