Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Once again I thank You

Lord, thank You for forgiveness. I can be such a prideful jerk


I understand that English may not be your first language. Don't get me wrong, I think that's really cool to be bilingual, or trilingual, etc. But in mixed company, could you stick to English, please? Or at least translate what you are saying?
It leaves the rest of us out, and quite frankly, it's kind of rude. When you're speaking to friends and all of a sudden you switch to a language that not everyone speaks it ostracizes people, and it leaves those of us monolinguals slightly bitter.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

No more motions

Christian duty checklist:
Eagle's Nest homeless ministry-check
2) Daily devotional time- 1/2 check
3) Prayer for strength in the midst of fasting-check
Still somehow I don't feel...good. Christianity is more than a checklist of "good" things. I say this from daily experience. So many times I find myself trying to be a person God can love. You know the type, nice and friendly, responsible, respectful and respectable, etc. The only problem is I could never be worthy of God's love. Honestly, I am a manipulative, deceptive, selfish person.

Yet, He loves me. And He's growing me a little bit more everyday into the person He wants me to be.

That's what it's about, the love of God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit. Despite my flaws as a person He loves me, and wants to be with me. How could I not praise a God like that?

So, I know what I must do. I must be because God loves. Not to earn brownie points because they don't exist here. Besides, that is a self-centered way of viewing my relationship with God, because I'm making it about what I am, and what I do. If I wake up more in love with God it will transform all that I do.
There. I want to love God more.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Strange Days

Preparing for missions...
I'm soooooooo busy...
Need to fight for my Quiet Time with God...
Am slacking in school, sort of...I am doing more work, but it's still last minute...
I dropped Circuits, so school is better...
I hope Tamara gets back from D.C. tonight, safely!...
I want a moment to breathe that doesn't have to be scheduled in...

God is Lord of all.

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There's no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now?